Significance of Genetic Screening in Healthcare

In the realm of healthcare, prevention has always been considered more powerful than cure. Understanding our individual genetic makeup has never been more critical, as it offers a window into our future health. Genetic tests, a transformative tool in modern medicine, enable us to predict disease risks with a precision that was once unimaginable. In this blog, we will delve into the types and importance of genetic screening and its role in predicting disease risk.

Types of Genetic Screening Test

  • Hypertension Pharmacogenomic Panel: Assesses the risk of high blood pressure and guides the selection of appropriate medications for effective treatment.
  • Inherited Eye Diseases DNA Test: This is helpful for individuals with a family history of eye conditions, like weak eyesight, blurry vision, glaucoma, etc.
  • DNA Sleep Test: Predicts the likelihood of sleep disorders like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy, helping in early diagnosis and intervention.
  • DNA Immunity Test: It analyses immunity levels and helps personalize the ideal healthy plan to enhance overall immunity.
  • Kidney Health DNA Test: It provides information about the risk of specific kidney disorders, allowing experts to recommend lifestyle modifications to mitigate the risk of kidney-related issues.
  • BRCA 1 and 2 Gene Tests: This test evaluates the risk of developing ovarian & breast cancer by detecting harmful changes in respective genes.
  • Wellness DNA Test: It unlocks the genetic code to get a deep insight into fitness, diet, weight, detoxification.

Importance of Genetic Screening Test

Here are several reasons highlighting the significance of genetic screening tests:

  • Early Detection of Genetic Disorders: Genetic screening tests can identify genetic mutations associated with hereditary diseases and conditions. Detecting these conditions at an early stage allows or timely medical interventions and management, improving treatment outcomes.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Genetic screening provides individuals with crucial information about their genetic susceptibility. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can make informed decisions about their health, lifestyle choices, and medical treatments. This informed decision-making process empowers individuals to take proactive steps to manage their health effectively.
  • Personalized Medicine: Genetic screening results enable healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans to a person's unique genetic profile. This approach ensures that treatments are not only more effective but also have fewer adverse effects.
  • Cancer Risk Assessment: Genetic screening can identify specific genetic mutations associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, such as breast, ovarian, or colorectal cancer. People with these mutations can have regular screenings and early interventions, potentially preventing or detecting cancer at a more treatable stage.

Why Choose DNA Forensics Laboratory for Genetic Screening?

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is among the top and most reputed companies for various genetic tests. We offer accurate & dependable genetic testing at competitive prices. Furthermore, we have an outstanding track record of satisfied and happy customers. The report provides the individual and the expert insight into the risk of genetic disorders. The same helps the expert decide on lifestyle changes, such as diet, & physical exercises, to prevent any possible risk of diseases.

For further queries regarding genetic screening, call us at +91 8010177771. You can also send the messages on WhatsApp to us at +91 9213177771.


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