DNA Forensic Laboratory Introduces Ancestry DNA Test in India
Discovering the Genomic Lines The current worldwide popularity of ancestry DNA tests stems from the universal desire to discover the roots. Those interested in family history can go beyond what they can learn from relatives or historical documents with this type of research. In India, ancestry DNA tests are available in various configurations, depending on what information a person seeks. Therein, DNA Forensic Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. (DFL) provides an accredited, accurate, and reliable DNA Ancestry Test in India at affordable prices. Types of Ancestry Test in India: Depending upon the type of information, one can go through different Indian Ancestry DNA tests to trace down the genomic line which is still unknown that are: Paternal Lineage Ancestry DNA Test – It is one of India’s most commonly used ancestry testing services. Paternal lineage ancestry traces the male origin using the Y – chromosome passed exclusively from father to son. Paternal lineage testing involves Y-STR analysis. T...