Reliable DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals

DNA testing can solve many problems. Common case scenarios where a DNA test might come as a lifesaver tool are - relationship identification for peace of mind and legal disputes, organ transplantation, immigration, and child swap cases. Probably, the latter is a more serious issue than others. In the midst of all the joy and celebrations of welcoming a new member to the family, people often ignore the safety of their child. To make matters worse, negligence on the hospital’s end promotes baby swap incidences. The great news is that one can get a DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals, maternity centers, etc.

Why are Baby Swap Cases on the Rise?

There can be many causes behind the increasing number of Child Swap cases in India. One of the prime reasons behind this evil is the negligence at the end of the hospital/nursing staff. While moving the child out of the maternity ward and into the nursery, incorrect identification and labeling can cause the babies to be accidentally switched.

Swapping a baby from the hospital may also be intentional. Though with the help of a DNA test for baby swap in Hospitals, the child can be reunited with the family easily yet, it’s worth mentioning that one should take extreme care while in a hospital and maternity center. Below mentioned are some of the measures one can take to prevent the chances of child swaps in hospitals.

Measures to Prevent Child Swap Cases in a Hospital or Maternity Center

There are certain ways with which one can make sure the safety of your child in the hospital.

Always research the hospital/maternity center before admitting the mother. While the woman is in labor pain, it gives no time to survey, so this is a factor that one should plan way before the probable time of delivery.

Make sure you contact a trusted DNA testing provider and be ready to get a DNA Test for Child Swap in the hospital beforehand.

Have a trusted family member or two who can be with the mother and child all the time and point out any birthmarks, a mole, or other marks on the body, which can help in the identification of the baby.

Choose a hospital or a maternity center where there is the facility of a nursery within the premise so that the newborn may not have to be transported to a different location.

Following these measures will significantly minimize the risk of a baby swap. In the case of an event, you have a DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals at one’s disposal.

Getting a DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals in India

In India, DNA Forensics Laboratory provides accredited DNA tests in India for peace of mind. They are also offering 100% accurate and reliable DNA Tests for Baby swaps in Hospitals.

To date, they have solved many child swap cases in India and helped parents reunite with their biological children. Here are the key strengths which make them one of the most trusted DNA testing companies to get DNA Tests for Baby swaps in hospitals.

They are trusted by various law-enforcement agencies and are the only DNA testing company providing Legal DNA Tests in India for court cases.

With hundreds of collection centers across India, they offer the customers the facility to visit their nearest center and give their samples for the DNA test.

They also provide on-site sample collection for a DNA test for Child Swap in Hospitals. The option to give multiple types of sample for the DNA testing also gives the customer flexibility of choice.

Their testing laboratory is NABL accredited. The National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories governs the standards and fair practices at the testing laboratories. This makes sure their DNA test reports are 100% authentic, accurate, and reliable.

They have a state-of-the-art testing facility to carry out DNA testing. Besides, having highly qualified and some of the most experienced technicians and scientists to look after every case removes the chances of any errors. All of this makes sure that the DNA test is 100% accurate, making them ideal for a DNA Test for Baby Swap in Hospitals.


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