How Does a DNA Test Work?

DNA testing is becoming increasingly advanced with every passing year. From the simplest bacteria to the emotional sack of cells called humans, every living organism carries an instruction manual in every cell. This, of course, is DNA, which is a long string of the letters A, T, G, and C which encodes the information fundamental to human life. In humans, the string of DNA is about 6 billion letters long. How these 6 billion letters guide us from the moment that sperm meets egg through the rest of our life has driven hundreds of years of research. A, T, G, and C are the four nucleotides. A pairs with T & G pairs with C. Genetic information is stored in the precise sequence of these nucleotides. Change one letter, and your cell may start acting very differently. DNA testing is also referred to as genetic testing.

What Can a DNA Test Reveal?

  • A DNA test in India can reveal many things about human genetic makeup:
  • Relationship identification like paternity, maternity, siblingship, etc
  • Ancestry includes your ethnicity estimates, where your ancestors came from, & living relatives through DNA matches.
  • Susceptibility to genetic disorders
  • Predispositions to certain traits
  • Recommendations for everything from diets to skincare

Now, when you need to undergo DNA testing, you might wonder how the process works. DNA testing is a science that requires a laboratory, specialized types of equipment, and experienced staff. The process behind DNA testing is as follows:
  • DNA can be extracted from nearly any type of bodily fluid, hair, or nails, as they all carry DNA. But, they may add up to the cost of DNA. So, the simplest & least invasive sample is to collect cheek swab (buccal swab) samples.
  • Buccal swabs are sterile cotton buds rubbed against the cheeks on the inside to collect epithelial cells.
  • DNA is then extracted from the cells & the test is carried out.
  • Later, they are broken into smaller fragments to simplify. These small fragments are called Short Tandem Repeats or STRs in short.
  • The STRs are then amplified using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). The resultant banding pattern is then obtained, which is our DNA fingerprint or the DNA profile.
In case a DNA test requires establishing the biological connection between two or more persons. Individual DNA profiling is done for each, and then their resulting DNA profiles are compared with one another to see if the DNA profiles match or not.

A DNA test can be performed at many labs in India; however, the lab with the best track record should be chosen. A DNA Testing company with the highest rating in service, timely report delivery, and the highest customer satisfaction is ideal.

Why Choose DNA Forensics Laboratory for DNA Test in India?

At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt Ltd., we operate from our main branch in New Delhi, and 400+ collection centers across India. We are the only lab to offer Legal DNA tests in India.

For further queries about DNA Test in India, contact us or schedule an appointment by calling our following numbers:

+91 8010177771 (Call), +91 9213177771 (WhatsApp)


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