What Are the Complications of IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization is a boon for disappointed couples who are trying but failing to have their baby naturally. In this technique, the sperm of the male and the ovum (egg) of the female are collected and fertilized in a controlled lab environment. Once fertilized, the embryo is planted into the uterus of the female. After the gestation period is completed, the woman delivers a healthy baby. Though highly successful, there are several complications of IVF. In this blog, you will learn about these complications and how DNA testing can help in an IVF procedure.

Common Complications of IVF

In Vitro Fertilization Complications can range from mild bruising of the genital tract to psychological issues. Below-mentioned are some common complications of IVF.
  • Nausea & vomiting are the most common complications of IVF caused by drugs.
  • Bruising caused by injections to administer fertility medicines.
  • Breast tenderness is also common among women undergoing in-vitro fertilization.
  • Persistent fatigue is among other in vitro fertilization complications.
  • OHSS or Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome caused due to an increased sensitivity of the body to injectable hormones.
  • Egg retrieval-related complications leading to pain in the pelvic and abdominal region are some of the most common IVF baby complications.
  • Multiple births are also less common complications of IVF.
  • Premature delivery is also a common IVF baby complication in many cases.
  • Hypertension, Diabetes & Hyperthyroidism are common complications of IVF in many overweight women or women with a family history of these diseases.
  • Depression after giving birth is also common.
  • Wrong specimens and baby due to sample mix-ups or other human errors. It is an increasingly common complication of IVF and can be avoided by getting a DNA Test for IVF babies.

How Can DNA Forensics Laboratory Help?

At DNA Forensics Laboratory, we provide DNA tests for IVF babies where there is a doubt about the identity of the biological baby. Of all IVF baby complications, this one can be more distressing.

You can get a Paternity DNA Test or a Prenatal Paternity DNA Test (No Sex Determination) to avoid complications of IVF, where there is a chance of sample mix-up or changed baby.

Consulting with and following the instructions of qualified IVF specialists, gynecologists, nutritionists, etc. can help you mitigate these risks of IVF baby complications.

Contact us on the following numbers to book an IVF baby DNA Test.

+91 8010177771 (Call)
+91 9213177771 (WhatsApp)


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